Caliber Chains

What is a Calibrated Chain?

It is tried to reach the maximum efficiency level with various tools, equipment and materials suitable for the work done, the service provided and the product produced in the working areas. Every tool and equipment is designed and produced accordingly. Every piece of equipment used in heavy work, such as lifting and lowering heavy loads, has an extremely important place. Caliber chains are also among the equipment used in heavy work.

Why ?

Calibrated chains are special types of chains with short links. Calibrated chains are called DIN 766. Caliber chains, which are heavier than other chain types, are made ready for use after passing through a special design and production phase. With its highly durable calibrated chains, it ranks first among the equipment that significantly increases the quality and efficiency of work in the field of use.

Caliber Chain Types and Design

Calibration chains are produced completely in line with the needs of the usage area. For this, first of all, caliber chain design studies are carried out carefully. Afterwards, calibrated chains suitable for the working purpose are produced with a meticulous manufacturing process. In the design phase, planning is made to ensure that the equipment is suitable for the job, practical and comfortable to use. The characteristics of each workspace and the way of work are different from each other. For this reason, the needs differ for each business and study area. For this reason, efforts are made to produce a chain type suitable for each working area. Commonly used caliber chain types are as follows;

  • Mounted DIN766 Caliber Chain

  • Yıldız- Zinsan DIN766 Caliber Chain

Usage Areas of Calibrated Chains

Each type of equipment is actively used in different areas of use. In order to keep work efficiency and quality at the highest level, care should be taken to use the right product and equipment in the right area. Calibrated chains are also used professionally in different fields with their features. Binding, pushing. It is used as an integral part of towing, load lifting and various equipment. In general, the usage areas of calibrated chains can be listed as follows;

  • Heavy industry working areas,

  • production facilities and factories,

  • Transport and logistics work areas,

  • Ports and maritime transport working areas,

  • agricultural work areas,

  • Animal care areas,

  • Automotive industry,

  • Construction and architectural application areas,

  • Decoration and restoration work areas etc.

Calibration Chains Features and Advantages

In order for the products to be suitable for the working area and purpose, they must go through the professional design and production phase. As a result of these stages made with professional work, products that will serve the purpose of production emerge. Calibrated chains are also suitable for the working area with their features and provide an advantage to the user by serving the purpose of use. Frequently used caliber chains features and advantages can be listed as follows;

  • They are extremely durable and strong.

  • They have shorter grocery stores and are heavier than other chains.

  • It can be used in a practical way due to its ergonomics.

  • It is suitable for use with auxiliary equipment in the field of use.

  • It can be used in maximum harmony with the tools and equipment of which it is a part.

  • It supports the creation of occupational health and safety conditions.

Caliber Chain Prices

Each tool and equipment goes through a special design and production process to gain the features it has. Calibrated chains also go through different production stages depending on the type and features they have, and their costs differ. For this reason, it is not possible to say a single amount for caliber chain prices. You can get expert support about product selection and product features by contacting us. You can get a price quote after you determine the caliber chain type that will provide maximum efficiency in your works. With the right product selection, you can create quality workspaces.


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