320 kg 14 Meter Battery Scissor Manlift


Technical Info

Power Provider Akü
Gait Control Type Hidrolik
Brake Hidrolik
Wheel type İz Bırakmaz
Wheel Size mm 406x125
Maximum Number of Personnel Adet 2
Maximum Platform Height mt 12
Maximum Working Height mt 14
Machine Closed Height mt 2.12
Machine Guardrail Open Height mt 2.52
Working Platform Length mt 2.50
Working Platform Width mt 1.12
Additional Working Platform Length mt 0.9
Total Platform Length mt 2.72
Total Platform Width mt 1.15
Inner Wheel Turning Radius mt 0.5
Outer Wheel Turning Radius mt 3.0
Ground clearance of the machine with the platform lowered mt 0.11
Machine Ground Height with Platform Raised mt 0.019
Wheelbase mt 2.09
Capacity kg 320
Weight of Machine Including Battery kg 3.208
Lift Motor kw 4.5
Travel Motor kw 4.5
Travel Speed of the Machine with the Platform Lowered km/saat 3.5
Travel Speed of Machine with Platform Raised km/saat 0.8
Lifting Speed sn 65
Download Speed sn 45
Battery Capacity V/Ah 4X6/280
Charger V/Ah 24/30
Climbing Capacity % 25


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