60 Tons Fixed Non-adjustable Beam Type Load Traverse
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60 Ton What is Beam Type Load Traverse?
Various machines and equipment are extremely important in creating a professional workspace. has a place. Lifting and transporting heavy loads is both laborious, excessive force and It also happens to jobs that require energy and pose a risk in terms of security. Heavy Carrying and unloading of loads can be carried out professionally. Lifting and carrying attachments developed for professional work areas supports its formation. Beam type load bearings are also among these attachments.
Beam What are type load sleepers?
Beam type load sleepers are used between loads and load carrying machine It is a type of attachment that allows it to be lifted and moved in a balanced way. A long It is a single beam by fixing the weight of the load on this beam with its mechanism. creates a center of gravity.
Design and Usage Areas of Beam Type Load Traverses
Like every product, beam type load sleepers are the most ideal solution for the needs in the field of use. It is designed and produced in such a way that it will respond in such a way. Thus, the work needed It offers professional working opportunities in their fields. Beam type load sleepers design heavy during the lifting of loads, the weight of the load is collected in a balanced way at one point. It is made in such a way that it can be transferred to the lifting equipment. Each variety is different It has been produced by developing different features according to the needs of the usage area. The usage areas of beam type load sleepers are generally heavy loads are carried, are the working areas where it is stored and manufactured. Has a wide range of uses beam type load sleepers,
Ports and shipyards,
Logistics and cargo centers,
Transport/warehouse storage and handling areas,
Construction and building sector,
Heavy industry areas,
Auto industry production, maintenance and repair workshops,
- Airport/ cargo handling centers etc. effectively in the is used.
Beam Type Load Traverse Types
The need for use of beam type traverse differs in each usage area. This is because On the other hand, the characteristics of the load to be processed in each area are different. The beam type load that will ensure balanced transportation should be compatible with the load on the traverse. It is produced by designing sleeper types suitable for every usage area. beam type load The traverse types are as follows;
Fixed Useless Beam with 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.5,10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 Tons Capacity Type Load Traverses
Adjustable Beam Type with 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 Ton Capacity Load Sleepers
32 Ton Capacity Linear Publisher Beam Type Load Traverse
Features of Beam Type Load Traverses
Beam type load sleepers all for even wool removal was designed. Opportunity to work professionally with its technical equipment and features is being created. The features of beam type load traverses are generally as follows;
A hook or a hook to secure the load with a rope or chain on a beam. There are holes in the beam, the other side of this beam is for connection to the hoist crane. designed to provide
Robust and durable sleepers have different load-bearing capacities. It has diversity.
Each beam type traverse types with maximum efficiency in usage area. supports work.
It has an extremely important place in terms of occupational health and safety and technical equipment that will enable it to be moved safely in a balanced way. has.
Beam Type Load Sleepers Prices
Types of beam type load sleepers are obtained as a result of different design and production stages. is presented to the user. For each product, these processes and, accordingly, cost is different. Beam type load sleepers prices are based on these costs. determined by calculation. You can contact us for the most suitable beam type load traverse for your business. You can request price information.
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