Grade 80 Ground Attachment Ring
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What is Chain Sling Main Link?
There is a need for equipment that will provide practical solutions to increase quality while reducing the workload in work areas. Practical and quick work is provided by using various equipments, especially in the working areas where heavy loads and goods are unloaded and lifted. Slings that provide safety and serial operation are used in the transportation and lifting of heavy loads. Slings consist of many parts that are in harmony with each other and designed as part of the system.
Why ?
Chain sling main link is the main link type designed for slings whose arms are formed with chains. The main ring is the center ring of the system to which the sling arms are attached and which connects the arms to the crane system. Since it is the center of the sling system, it has a very important place in the system. With chain slings, it is possible to lift and transport heavy goods and loads in a controlled and balanced manner.
Chain Sling Main Ring Usage Areas
Slings are used in all work areas where heavy loads are produced, stored and transported. The use of sling systems is very effective at the point where heavy load lifting and carrying can be done safely. The usage area for chain sling main rings can be expressed in general terms as the production of chain sling systems. However, when it is considered as a working area, the main link of chain slings can be used as follows;
industrial production areas,
Logistics and transport work areas,
Construction and architectural application projects,
Automotive industry working areas,
Maritime and transportation work areas,
Various storage areas,
Heavy industry work areas, etc.
Chain Sling Main Ring Types and Design
The slings and the parts that make up the sling are designed and produced with great care to ensure maximum efficiency. By designing chain slings in a way to work efficiently, work quality and productivity increase to a great extent. With the chain sling main ring design, ring types to be used in different areas of use are being developed. Commonly used chain sling main link types are as follows;
Grade 100 Double Chain Sling Link
Grade 100 Pin Chain Sling Ring
Grade 100 Double Shortened Chain Sling Link
Grade 100 Sling Main Ring
Grade 100 Quadruple Shorter Chain Sling Link
Grade 100 Quad Pin Chain Sling Ring
Grade 80 Chain Sling Ring
Grade 80 Round Sling Ring
Grade 80 Ground Attachment Ring
Grade 80 Double Chain Sling Ring
Grade 80 D Type Ground Attachment Ring
Chain Sling Main Link Features and Advantages
Sling systems are equipment that provide professional working opportunities in lifting and carrying operations. The part elements used while creating the sling system, on the other hand, ensure that the system works in accordance with its purpose with their features. Chain sling main rings enable chain slings to work with maximum performance with their features. Chain sling main link features can be listed as follows;
It is durable and has the strength to lift the heaviest loads.
Suitable for connecting sling arms.
It has a variety suitable for different usage areas and usage patterns.
It is effective in balancing the weight of the load.
They have the equipment and power to support occupational health and safety.
Chain Sling Main Link Prices
Each chain sling main link goes through its own unique design and production phase and becomes ready for use. These stages differ for each element, and accordingly, the product features and costs are different from each other. For this reason, chain sling main link prices are determined by calculating separately for each type. You can get detailed information about all products by contacting us. You can get the right product by getting expert support at the point of product selection. You can also get a price quote for the chain sling link you selected.
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